Stephen OMeara

3 Tactics for Affiliates Marketers to Thrive Online

As an affiliate you will always be looking for the markets that give the biggest paychecks. Some folks think it is a magic formula that is easily and readily available. Affiliate success is more complicated than that, though…!. It does involve applying proven marketing tactics to survive as online affiliate today.

Below are proven affiliate tactics that have worked in online affiliate marketing and continue to work for online affiliates today. These are used by well-known and more low-key affiliates who are successful. With these three affiliate tips, you will increase your sales and survive and thrive as an online affiliate marketer.

What are these three tactics?

  1. Use unique web pages to promote each separate product you are marketing. Do not lump all of them together to save some money on web hosting. It is better to have a site focusing on each and every product.
    • Include product reviews on the website so visitors will understand what the product can do them if they buy it.
    • Also include testimonials from happy customers who have already tried the product. Ideally get customers who are happy for you to use their names and photos on the relevant product site that you are marketing.
      You can also write articles highlighting the uses and benefits of the product and include them on the website as an additional page.
    • Make the pages compelling and include calls to action. Headlines should attract the readers to try, to read more, or sign up to your list.
    • Highlight your key benefits. This will help readers see what’s in it for them and be motivated to find out more and sign up.
  1. Offer free reports to your readers. If possible position them at the top of your page so it they wont be missed. Create autoresponder messages that will be mailed to those who give you their email into your sign-up box. Affiliate research shows that a sale is closed usually on the seventh contact with a prospect.
    • Two things typically happen on your web page: You get a closed sale or the prospect leaves the page and never return again. By sending useful emails into their inboxes regularly, you will have multiple opportunities to remind them of the product they had interest in and you will see the sale is closed later, after further follow-ups.
    • Focus on key benefits e.g. like how your product can make life easier and speed up their success.
    • Add compelling headers and subject lines in the email.  Try avoid using the word “free” as there exist old email spam filters that dumps those kind of contents into junk folders before anyone gets to see or open them.
    • Remind those who signed up for your free reports that they risk miss something e.g slowing down their progress – when they do not avail of your products and services.
  2. Get targeted traffic for your specific product. Remember, if the visitor has no interest in what you are offering, they will not sign up, they will move on and not buy your product.
    • Write articles for publication in relevant e-zines and e-reports to your product. This way you can locate publications that is focusing on your target customers and what you have put up might just grab their interest.

Write and publish 2-3 articles per week, with at least 350-650 words in length. By writing and publishing relevant articles regularly you can generate up to 100 targeted readers to your site in a day! Remember that only 1 out of 100 people are likely to buy your product or get your services. If you can generate as much as 1,000 targeted hits for your website in a day, that means on conservative figures, you can make 10 sales!

For more tips on how to succeed online as an affiliate go to our Affiliate Profits Club below:

3 Great Adword “Secret” Tips

Adwords seems almost mandatory for online PPC traffic generation, with Google as the most popular PPC engine available.  However, as the most popular PPC engine, Google Adword keywords are often very dear, and a short-run ad campaign can cost a lot of money.  There are ways to get more traffic while spending less using Adwords.  Let’s look at three tips for doing so.

Tip 1: Use Hyper-Targeted Keywords.

Hyper-Targeted keywords are the actual keywords that sell – the ones that indicate your surfer is sitting there, credit card in hand, ready to make the purchase.  In general, I use the following three phrases when selling “product”:

Buy Product

Purchase Product

Order Product

And of course, use each of them with all of Google’s features – in quotations and in brackets, for each type of matching.  So for instance, instead of just Buy Product, you would use: Buy Product, “Buy Product”, and [Buy Product].  Depending on how in demand an item you have selected, these three primary power words – Buy, Purchase, and Order – can bring you more targeted traffic than you expect, and these are people who are ready to purchase real-time right now!

Tip 2: Use Site-Targeting.

Another feature of Adwords that most users miss out is the site-targeting option.  Campaigns can be keyword-targeted or site-targeted.  The beauty of site targeting is that you can target sites at the top of the organic Google searches.  This works better in some cases than others, obviously, but when it works, you end up paying a fraction of the cost for clicks that you would for keyword-targeted campaigns. 

To optimise your results, select a few top keyword phrases and enter them into Google.  Look at the first 5 results for each one (or more if you like) and notice whether or not those sites use Adsense.  Also notice the Adsense placement – is it near the top of the screen?  The top left position is best, but as long as the ads are visible without scrolling the page, that site has great potential.  When you paste that site’s root into Adwords, it may or may not be approved.  If it is an approved site-targeted ads site, you’re ready to go!  Now edit the campaign and change the site’s root out with the direct link you got from your Google search – now only that page will show your ad!  Your CPM (cost per mille, e.g.1000 visitors) will be alot lower than if the full website was showing your ads, and you know your traffic is coming from people who searched for the term you entered.

Tip 3: Show the item’s price in your ad.

This one may sound obvious, but it can go a long way towards removing expensive clicks that had no intention of converting.  In my experience, showing the item’s price in the ad has weeded out approximately 80% of non-buyer clicks.  It reduces the total number of clicks, of course, but those clicks are higher quality traffic.  This is very effective if your price is lower than most other prices on the same product elsewhere. 

These three secret tips will give you an advantage in the Adwords game.  Best of luck!

[Article Word Count: 543]

For online tips see Stephen’s Power Marketing:

3 Tips for PPC Campaign Success!

PPC, or pay-per-click ads, have the potential to reach large audiences online.  Used correctly, PPC can drive loads of targeted buying traffic to your website.  PPC also doesn’t have to be expensive.  Let’s discuss three great tips for optimising your PPC investment to the maximum!

Tip 1 Use Long-Tail Keywords

Long-Tail Keywords are generally meant as keywords using four or more words.  Short keywords, such as “buy Viagra”, are always over-bid, and will cost you several dollars per click.  Using keyword tools, you may find that there are several related long-tail keywords that get decent volumes of search traffic but cost so much less.  Perhaps “buy Viagra online pharmacy” or “buy some Viagra online now”, for instance.  These long-tail keywords will cost you far less, and while they receive fewer searches, you will ultimately receive more clicks at a lower price. 

Tip 2: Monitor Campaigns Closely and Use Split-Testing

A lot of PPC campaigns that do not profit could be tweaked and refined a bit to become profitable.  In many cases, certain keywords are underperforming, but you don’t know it or why until you really delve in.  Split test your campaigns, and take care to weed out keywords that receive large numbers of impressions but a small number of clicks.  These keywords are messing up off your Click Through Rate (CTR), which causes your ads to cost much more but to place lower. 

Additionally, by split-testing, take care to weed out keywords that receive many clicks but no conversions.  If the conversions don’t cover the cost of the clicks, that keyword is a loser. Kill it!

Point 3: PPC Shines for List Building

One area where PPC really performs is in building lists.  Acquire a product such as a 10-page report or a 5-part email series that you can offer in exchange for an opt-in.  Create a page with the opt-in form; then set up an auto responder to send your opt-ins the promised product.  Then create a PPC campaign, be as mad with the keywords as you want, and set a limit on how much you are willing to spend before pausing the campaign. 

Driving large amounts of traffic onto the page short-term will allow you to quickly build a strong list for promotion of related products.  Your list will be your best friend, so build wisely!  If you create a product, allow users the option of opting in on the download page.  A list of people who have already purchased something is worth ten times as much as a much larger list of people who may or may not ever buy anything.  Think of your larger list as silver, and your buyer’s list as gold.

Using these tips, you will have an edge over your competition. Good luck in your online marketing!

For online tips see Stephen’s Power Marketing:

Profitable Product Creation Tips for Newbies!

The best way to make money online, bar none, is to have your own product to sell.  Of course, it helps if that product is something in demand, and if your niche is willing to pay premium money for it.  There are some important factors to look at when creating a product.  Let’s take a look at how you can come up with your own profitable product to sell online.

Firstly, the biggest mistake most product creators make is creating a product first and attempting to find an audience for it afterwards.  You should actually go about this in reverse.  In other word, find a market, with an audience of thousands of people who want something, and then create a product that fits their needs.  This is a simple tip, but the most important one as far as having a product that is in demand and can be profitable.  Thousands of unwanted products sit online and never make a sale.  This problem could have been remedied with a little customer research first.

Secondly, try to find not only a market that wants something, but a market that wants it badly!  Information products do especially well on this point, and many of the most successful products are merely those that are marketed correctly to an audience in great desire for the information solution.  For example, internet marketers, especially newbies are often desperate to make money online quickly.  When was the last time you spent $97 on an e-book to help you do so?  Teens and adults who suffer from excessive acne are desperate to learn about what lifestyle changes or miracle cures are available to clear up their skin.  Someone worried about a pregnancy, a wedding, or a divorce would be very motivated to get fast access to answers to the questions they have.  Pick a desperate audience and supply them with the answers they want, and your product will be a winner!

Lastly, be ready to get outside of your own comfort zone.  Maybe you found a market for some information that is simply not within your knowledge zone.  Spend a couple of days researching that topic, via Google, online forums, professional help articles, and through any other means at your disposal.  What you will find is that in most cases, you can gather the data you need from many different sources and then piece it together into one cohesive product.  It’s not that most buyers couldn’t do the same thing, but they’re paying for the convenience of instant answers and not needing to research all aspects themselves.  If two days of research yields you ten years of product profits, isn’t that a worthwhile pursuit?

Also with information products, you can start with simpler lower risk ebook product or report and after successes, you can graduate to more extensive larger content offerings including courses which you can charge more for…!

So remember, the most important part of product creation is to discover a product that needs to be created!  Find a market that is looking for something, and then fulfil that need with your information solution. Then begin your online marketing efforts, and see the cash flow in!  Good luck in your Information Product adventure!

For online tips see Stephen’s Power Marketing:

Great Low Cost Internet Marketing!

A major challenge new internet marketers face is learning how to advertise their products, affiliate offers, or websites without spending a lot on PPC ads.  There are ways to do out this, some of which can help you to lower your PPC campaign costs while others require no investment.  Let’s take a look at some of these methods for lowering the investment you need to make in marketing products or services online.

There are a few proven ways to reduce your PPC ad campaign costs.  Poorly constructed campaigns will drain your money faster than any other forms of online marketing, and if you are a beginner, chances are you are making some mistakes that are costing you a lot of money! 

Keyword-targeted campaigns are the most commonly used campaigns, so keywords are either your best friends or your worst enemies.  Many sources of internet marketing “knowledge” seem to state that giant lists of general keywords are the best route for pulling traffic.  While this does pull lots of traffic, short, general keywords can be the root cause preventing an otherwise good campaign.  Lots of traffic equates into lots of per-click costs.  General keywords, however, do not generally bring converting traffic.  The thing to remember about traffic is this – one highly-targeted potential buyer is worth thousands of non-targeted non-buyers.

Prune your keywords back and eliminate general, slightly-related terms that are only meant to pull more people in.  These keywords, in almost every case, will not convert.  They will also cost you more per click.  Go for the long-tail keywords and the highly-targeted keywords.  Let’s explain more.

Long tail keywords are keywords that consist of four or more words.  Let’s say you’re selling a product to teach people to make money online.  “Make money online”, “make money”, “earn money”, and similar search terms are some of the worst keywords you can use, as these are some of the most over-used and over-priced keywords possible!  Use some keyword programs and sites to get some long-tail keywords however, and you may end up with a list with keywords such as “earn more money online today”, “make money as an internet marketer”, “how do I make more money online”, etc.  These terms are going to pull less traffic, but if you put together a good number of long-tails, you will still pull a substantial number of hits.  The great part is that long-tail keywords are going to cost you much less than the general keywords, and therefore you can get twice the traffic for half the price. 

Highly-Targeted keywords are keywords such as “Buy product”, “Purchase product”, and “Order product”.  These terms are very specific; they will bring in those searchers who are ready to purchase a product right now.  This is some of the best traffic your site will see!

Also, Site-Targeted campaigns in Google are an often overlooked but highly profitable way of running a campaign.  Find the sites at the top of an organic search for your keywords, put them into your site-targeted campaign, and see those sites’ traffic filter into yours for a fraction of the PPC cost. 

Lastly, one of the most effective marketing tactics is also free!  Article marketing has proven to be one of the best ways to drive quality traffic.  The best part about article marketing, aside from being free, is that your articles value compound, and can bring you traffic for months and months!  This is a cumulative effort – the more articles you write and put out there, the more traffic will continue coming to your site.  It’s brilliant, it’s easy, and it’s free – it is well worth the effort!

You have some ideas to lower your marketing costs and improve your traffic quality. Go do it!

For online tips see Stephen’s Power Marketing:

Selling Information Products – So Profitable!

Information products, including reports, e-books or courses, are one of the most profitable products you can sell online.  There are many reasons for this – development price, printing costs (or rather lack of printing costs) and ease of distribution.  Internet users have become accustomed to consuming e-books and short reports as a form of online product, and they are more than happy to pay for the information they want.  As all of us has areas of expertise (eg they know more about than others), this puts you at an advantage.  Let’s see how you can profit by creating an information product.

Let’s get the basics to creating an information product.  First, pick a main topic, something you’re somewhat familiar with.  Next, search online and find any forums, communities, or question boards that deal with your topic (or a subset of your topic).  Read through some of the questions that are asked and try to nail down a specific problem that many people need the answers to.  Research the topic more, discover the answers and other, related information that may be of use to these people.  Take your findings and write your report, e-book, or whatever you’re creating.  If you are a software programmer, you may actually solve problems by creating a specific program.  Complete your product, place a sales page online, and drive the people who want the answers in your product to your site. 

If you are creating an e-book or short report, you may well wish to create it in Adobe .PDF format.  This is simple enough, as there are several free or inexpensive options.  I use PDF995 (, which is free, easy to use, contains no watermarks or penalties for not registering, and creates a professional product.  If you already own Adobe Acrobat, so much the better!  Users are far more accustomed to downloading a PDF than a DOC file, and many people don’t have Microsoft Word.

Be careful that if you create a software package, debug it until the point where you can’t break it easily.  You may not get a second chance to maintain your buyers, and if your program crashes or appears unstable, many of them may immediately request a refund.  They may also be wary of any products you release in the future.  Make sure your program is stable, works properly and answers the basic needs of your target users.

Always offer a refund policy.  Many people will not buy without one, as they don’t know you and they have no way to know if you are peddling gold or crap.  A refund guarantees, in their minds, that there is no risk involved with purchasing your product.  In my experience, refund requests are non-existent, although if you do not satisfy your customer with your product, I’m sure refunds would be more frequent.  Even terrible products have a relatively low refund rate, so always offer one.

Good luck with your product creation, and I wish you success!

For online tips see Stephen’s Power Marketing:

Get the Right Balance for Profitable Arbitrage (PPC)

Arbitrage, or using PPC (pay-per-click) to drive traffic to your website in order to get people to click on your ads, is hard. But it’s a potentially profitable tactic for making money online.  When using Adwords to drive traffic to Adsense pages, there are a few things to prioritise.  You need to achieve the right balance of content, relevance, and ads to keep Google happy. If not you risk your Adsense account being banned and your website being ignored by Google’s search crawler.  Also, you may spend a lot of money on PPC to find only a low return in ads.  Let’s look at some key factors in finding the right balance for your arbitrage (PPC) campaigns.

Probably the most important factor in achieving a profitable arbitrage campaign is relevant content.  If the pages you send clicks to via Adwords (or another PPC engine) contain relevant content, you are in a good place with Google.  Google doesn’t have a problem with arbitrage itself.  It hates the horrible, nonsensical Adsense scrub sites with rubbish and add no value to users.  And who can argue?  Do you ever recall searching for something important, only to find several sites full of gibberish and ads? 

Give the user relevant content, whether a few short paragraphs or something longer, but whichever way you choose to go, keep it relevant to their needs.  If your page has relevant content, you will never have any negative feedback from Google. 

The next important factor to consider is that you find keywords to focus your content around such that your ads deliver the highest per-click payout possible.  If you are paying 10 cents per click to bring a user to your site, and the most you get if they click on an ad is 3 cents, you can’t hope to profit.  The best you can hope for is that maybe they click two ads before they go and you only lose 4 cents.  What’s the point of such a campaign? 

There are many great tools to assist you in finding high-priced keywords. Google’s keyword analyzer itself is one of the better ones.  Setting up an ad campaign and testing keywords through the campaign-creation is another useful tactic.  I suggest you always target keywords that pay at least $4 or $5.  Also make sure your content page title contains that keyword, and maybe drop that exact keyword in once or twice more, while using several related keywords only once each.  Google has clever algorithms, and it’s tough to get this exactly right, but it can be done!  But do not oversaturate your page with that one keyword or keyword phrase; Google may ghost you!

Once you’ve picked your target high-price keyword(s) to base your page(s) around, use the same analytical tactics to locate as many keywords and long-tail keywords as possible that cost next to nothing.  While less searched than the expensive ones, you can combine a large number of cheaper keywords and come out with plenty of traffic coming into your page.  You pay the cheap keyword price for these people and get paid the high-keyword price when they click on your ads.  That’s the name of the arbitrage game..!

Now you have a few more ideas about getting profitable arbitrage campaigns running.  Good luck!

For online tips see Stephen’s Power Marketing:

Creating Great Income with Blogging

There is a lot of interest and noise today around writing a blog for a living.  In truth, it is harder to make money this way than many would have believe.  But, if approached properly, blogging can become profitable.  Let’s review some practical steps you can take to create an online blog that will make money.

Firstly, a personal blog is not likely to work.  Some people believe they can blog about their daily lives and make money.  But as an ordinary person, your life isn’t that interesting.  If you want to pull traffic, you are going to need to offer a topic or topics that interest people directly, and in many cases answer the burning questions that people have.  For instance, an Internet Marketing blog might have all general IM posts, or may be divided into sections for PPC posts, article marketing posts, affiliate marketing posts, and product creation posts.  Such a blog offers topics that many people are interested in, many subniches of that topic that people want more info about, and posts can give great advice, or share experience that can help others.

After building a niche based blog, you can add Google Adsense around it.  Try to keep your Adsense in places that receive the most focus – the top of your blog (specifically top left if you can), between paragraphs in the text, or at the bottom right after the text ends, for people who are looking for more information after reading your post.  These locations seem to do well.  However, making money with an Adsense-only blog can be hard.  There is one other thing you should do to make your blog more profitable – affiliate offers.

Once you have established yourself and built some rapport with your readers, you want to begin sprinkling affiliate products into your posts.  Don’t overdo this or you will upset your readership!  However, in a post describing a particular problem, you may post a link to a product that solves that problem.  That link would be your affiliate link, and any sales resulting from your blog post’s link would pay commissions to you.  You might place one or two text affiliate links to useful relevant products in the sidebar of your blog.  Be sure you don’t make it hard to search your blog for all the ads and affiliate links!  You want your users to feel that you are blogging for them as priority, and your affiliate links are only helpful addition you are including.

By establishing yourself in a niche, offering useful content and tips to your readers, and sprinkling your blog with well-positioned ads and affiliate links, you will start to see an income coming from your blog.  Now continue to tweak and test what works well and what can be improved so that you can continue to make your blog more profitable, while becoming more and more appealing to your target audience.

Good luck blogging!

For online tips see Stephen’s Power Marketing:   

How to Thrive Online – Article Marketing Secrets!

Online Marketing offers a lot of opportunities for income generation by tapping the huge global reach of the World Wide Web.  With access to the online billions, you have the potential to reach large audiences with your products, marketing and promotions.  But how do you begin to tap into the power of the internet?  PPC, or pay-per-click ads, although popular, are expensive. They can be complex and competitive. So used incorrectly, these can result in a drain of money and the traffic depends on money and advanced tactics, not ideal for newbies.  Enter article marketing – a free way to reach thousands of people quickly, bringing long-term traffic to your website regularly.

So what is article marketing?  Put simply, article marketing is the writing of free relevant articles that point back to your website.  These articles are submitted to article directories across the internet, and from there they can be used by other people for content on their websites, with the condition that your author bio box remains intact.  This is the beauty of article marketing – a few minutes of your time consistently e.g. daily can yield you months of results and it compounds once you continue to invest!

Let’s look at the basics.  An article is approximately one page of text, using Microsoft Word.  Articles generally contain between 400 and 700 words, they should be informative, helpful to the target audience and easy to read.  You can find word count programs on the internet.  My favorite is: – you paste your article into the box, click “Calculate Words”, and it immediately tells you how many words are in your article.  You can even take the code from this site and put it onto your own website.  It’s completely free.

When writing articles, stay with relevant topics you know well.  Or find an article similar to the one you want to write, read it a couple of times, and then rewrite it entirely using your own words.  You can also get some ideas from several articles, and then combine them into a totally new article.  You can purchase PLR (private label rights) articles and use them on your site, ideally alter them and submit them to article sites (be careful with this one – you must change them enough to be unrecognizable from the original, or you will be flagged for duplicate content). 

To get your articles circulating online, I suggest these sites are the most important ones available:,, and  These ones, in my lived experience, have the most users and the most clout with Google.  They are all free to submit articles to.  Be careful to follow their rules (especially EzineArticles), to keep from having your account suspended or your articles rejected.

Finally, do make sure you create a biography box that will draw readers to your site.  Your author bio should give an overview about you and give readers motive to visit your site.  This is where the traffic comes from, and the amount of traffic good articles can generate will blow you away!  Write useful articles consistently, and you will see ezines publishing your articles, this will bring you more traffic from their visitors. 

For online tips see Stephen’s Power Marketing:   

Affiliate Marketing – Alternatives to Clickbank

Entering the online affiliate market can be hard these days.  There are lots of people attempting to make it part or full-time online as affiliate marketers, and those numbers definitely play against you when it comes to PPC and organic search engine optimization.  It can be costly to begin building traffic, and in some cases you still won’t get the kind of traffic you want. Let’s look at a few things you can do to shift the odds in your favor.

Firstly, learn to write articles.  Article marketing is free and will bring you quality, targeted traffic for months.  It takes time to learn to use PPC and profit, so allow yourself to dabble in PPC while focusing in article marketing for the time being.  You will find plenty of prospective buyers without spending a penny in (PPC) advertising.

So let’s get to the real topic of this article – finding alternatives to Clickbank.  Why?  Because Clickbank (CB) is saturated with affiliates and want-to-be-affiliates, so your competition is very steep.  The most popular Clickbank products, the ones that really sell, will cost you a fortune in PPC campaigns.  It is surprising that so many new affiliates do not realize how unnecessary Clickbank is.  The real benefit to Clickbank (CB) is convenience, in that you can search products all in one place, you get paid from one source, and you only need one account to do so.  The benefits of using other sources, in my experience, far outnumber those CB conveniences.  Let’s look at other options.

Be aware that most sites offer their own affiliate programs.  Do a quick search for a topic that you want to find products for.  Find several of the top organic search results pages that offer a product for sale.  Now scroll to the bottom of those pages (in most cases).  On a lot of these sites, you will find a link for “Affiliates”, “Join Affiliate Program”, “Partners” or “Become a Partner”.  While there may be other variations, but its clear that you are seeing an affiliate program.  Click there and sign up with the sites that you want to promote with.  Many direct affiliate programs offer more options and better commissions than Clickbank (CB) programs, and you have the added benefit of competing against much smaller numbers.  Also try to select programs that don’t also have a CB program to avoid the same competitive position as before.

Go straight to the product vendors and become affiliated with them, that way you put yourself in the select position of being one of the very small share of online affiliates who are working with individual companies, which gives you a great competitive edge.  It’s amazing to see a campaign that costs almost nothing yield great results, after having been used to expensive campaigns drain your money.  Taking yourself away from the masses of Clickbank affiliates is a great strategy.  Let the professionals dominate it and let the want-to-be’s throw their money away.  This way, neither of those will stop you from getting your share, nor cause you to pay more than you need for PPC ads.

For winning tips on growing affiliate income see:

5 Secrets to Buying Soloads to Grow your List

Here is a guide from a top vendor from a reputable site I use to buy solo ads for building my list.  I cover 5 secret tips to ensure the quality of the traffic you purchase is the best possible. It comes from one of the most successful solo ads sellers. I will reveal the site below.

“If you’re new to buying traffic online you may have some reservations or worries about how to know which sellers are trustworthy and provide a high quality traffic.

To help you out, here’s my top 5 tips for identifying quality vendors:

#1 – Avoid or minimize traffic purchases from people who directly canvass you to buy from them without even attempting to build a relationship with you or provide value first.

And once you have made a purchase, they simply deliver bot traffic (which simulates real human traffic but isn’t real) or they do not even deliver a single click.

If you’re buying through Udimi, you’re already benefiting from its advanced seller validation – we run a three stage ID check which stops scammers advertising on our platform. But if you’re shopping elsewhere, bear this point in mind.

#2 – Avoid getting traffic that is priced way below the market. At this point, it is between 10 to 35 cents per click & this can vary and fluctuate!

Good quality traffic usually costs at least 45 to 50 cents a click as it reflects accurate targeted audiences coupled with the vendors’ level of service, ability & competency to improve your squeeze, and sales & funnel pages.

In the solo ad market, price is often (though not always) an indication of quality.

#3​ – Only purchase from vendors with multiple SALES testimonials.

There are numerous testimonials out there but what really differentiates between good and bad testimonials? Simply ones that generate SALES! Opt-ins can be high but if the vendorhas a low percentage of testimonials with sales compared to the rest, it is better to avoid them.

#4 – Great vendors assist you with your squeeze or sales funnels.

Vendors who run a long-term sustainable business want you to profit from solo ads and they will try to help you in optimizing your squeeze or sales pages. Avoid dealing with vendors who take your money and offer zero advice on your funnel. Note you are creating partnerships with them so choose wisely.

#5​ – Top tier vendors often have multiple video testimonials of SALES which you can verify with their clients or customers themselves.

Vendors with multiple video testimonials tend to be the real deal. This indicates they have been in the industry for enough time and they take care of their customers – hence their customers in turn return the favor by creating a testimonial for them.

Once you’ve managed to find vendors that fulfil the above requirements, the chance of you buying low performing traffic is GREATLY reduced & minimised!”

For great list building tips see Stephen’s emarketer: