Stephen OMeara

3 Tips for PPC Campaign Success!

PPC, or pay-per-click ads, have the potential to reach large audiences online.  Used correctly, PPC can drive loads of targeted buying traffic to your website.  PPC also doesn’t have to be expensive.  Let’s discuss three great tips for optimising your PPC investment to the maximum!

Tip 1 Use Long-Tail Keywords

Long-Tail Keywords are generally meant as keywords using four or more words.  Short keywords, such as “buy Viagra”, are always over-bid, and will cost you several dollars per click.  Using keyword tools, you may find that there are several related long-tail keywords that get decent volumes of search traffic but cost so much less.  Perhaps “buy Viagra online pharmacy” or “buy some Viagra online now”, for instance.  These long-tail keywords will cost you far less, and while they receive fewer searches, you will ultimately receive more clicks at a lower price. 

Tip 2: Monitor Campaigns Closely and Use Split-Testing

A lot of PPC campaigns that do not profit could be tweaked and refined a bit to become profitable.  In many cases, certain keywords are underperforming, but you don’t know it or why until you really delve in.  Split test your campaigns, and take care to weed out keywords that receive large numbers of impressions but a small number of clicks.  These keywords are messing up off your Click Through Rate (CTR), which causes your ads to cost much more but to place lower. 

Additionally, by split-testing, take care to weed out keywords that receive many clicks but no conversions.  If the conversions don’t cover the cost of the clicks, that keyword is a loser. Kill it!

Point 3: PPC Shines for List Building

One area where PPC really performs is in building lists.  Acquire a product such as a 10-page report or a 5-part email series that you can offer in exchange for an opt-in.  Create a page with the opt-in form; then set up an auto responder to send your opt-ins the promised product.  Then create a PPC campaign, be as mad with the keywords as you want, and set a limit on how much you are willing to spend before pausing the campaign. 

Driving large amounts of traffic onto the page short-term will allow you to quickly build a strong list for promotion of related products.  Your list will be your best friend, so build wisely!  If you create a product, allow users the option of opting in on the download page.  A list of people who have already purchased something is worth ten times as much as a much larger list of people who may or may not ever buy anything.  Think of your larger list as silver, and your buyer’s list as gold.

Using these tips, you will have an edge over your competition. Good luck in your online marketing!

For online tips see Stephen’s Power Marketing:

Category: Power Marketing

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