Stephen OMeara

Six Tips for Copy Headlines that Sell!

Writing an compelling copy headline is a challenge if you plan to issue a call to action only at the end, as that action that people may be reluctant to do be it subscribing to an email newsletter or buying a product. If you want your readers to do something, you need to persuade them from the start, and begin with the first words of your headline.

Offer Something Right Away

If you have something to offer to your readers that they may want in exchange for what you’re going to ask them to do, make it immediately clear with your headline. When people start reading something online and they aren’t actively seeking information, they want to know what they’re going to get if they continue reading and they don’t want to waste their time and prefer to know immediately.

Make It Urgent

People are likely to act when they know they’re running out of time, when there’s scarcity. Create a sense of urgency with your headline by telling your readers that your offer only applies to a certain date or that you’re fast running out of stocks. Also make it a do-or-die offer; if they let this opportunity slip away, it’s gone forever.

Be careful when using this type of headline as it comes with consequences. Make sure you withdraw your offer at the stated time. If you’re going to extend the deadline, you should have a good rationale so as not to lose your credibility.

Keep It Simple and Powerful

Typically online copy should be simple and easy to follow. This also applies to the online headline, as lead in and as part of the copy, it makes sense that headlines should be simple and easy to understand..!

Don’t use long and difficult words. Aim for shorter powerful words instead. These words inspire action and bring powerful images to mind. “Help Your Business Last Longer” as a copy headline can be improved, for instance, if you replace passive-sounding words with forceful ones. “Make Your Business Survive” has greater impact compared to the previous headline, don’t you think?

Keep It Short

Another guideline for online copy headlines is brevity and conciseness. Headlines should follow the same rule. Typically, readers online scan what they read and so they’ll be able to understand a five-word-headline more quickly than a ten-word one.

For good copy headline, try to reduce the use of particles, prepositions, linking verbs, and other words that may dilute the message

Don’t Try Too Hard

Naturally, funny and witty headlines are better but trying too hard to be funny can backfire!  If there’s no way to make a headline funny or clever then make it simple. If you manage to get your message across then you’ve done your job.

Use Numbers

Numbers can be memorable and lend authority to the copy message. Instead of simply headlining a copy with “Tips for Gardening”, you can greatly enhance it by adding a digit. “6 Tips for Gardening” encourage people to read more because they know they have six (more than one’s many!) tips to look forward to in a single article.

Review and Refine

You may think you’ve made a perfect headline upon typing the last word, but give it a minute or two and you’ll be able to view it more objectively. Good luck on writing those headlines!

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Category: Copywriting

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