Stephen OMeara

Six Tips for Copy Headlines that Sell!

Writing an compelling copy headline is a challenge if you plan to issue a call to action only at the end, as that action that people may be reluctant to do be it subscribing to an email newsletter or buying a product. If you want your readers to do something, you need to persuade them from the start, and begin with the first words of your headline.

Offer Something Right Away

If you have something to offer to your readers that they may want in exchange for what you’re going to ask them to do, make it immediately clear with your headline. When people start reading something online and they aren’t actively seeking information, they want to know what they’re going to get if they continue reading and they don’t want to waste their time and prefer to know immediately.

Make It Urgent

People are likely to act when they know they’re running out of time, when there’s scarcity. Create a sense of urgency with your headline by telling your readers that your offer only applies to a certain date or that you’re fast running out of stocks. Also make it a do-or-die offer; if they let this opportunity slip away, it’s gone forever.

Be careful when using this type of headline as it comes with consequences. Make sure you withdraw your offer at the stated time. If you’re going to extend the deadline, you should have a good rationale so as not to lose your credibility.

Keep It Simple and Powerful

Typically online copy should be simple and easy to follow. This also applies to the online headline, as lead in and as part of the copy, it makes sense that headlines should be simple and easy to understand..!

Don’t use long and difficult words. Aim for shorter powerful words instead. These words inspire action and bring powerful images to mind. “Help Your Business Last Longer” as a copy headline can be improved, for instance, if you replace passive-sounding words with forceful ones. “Make Your Business Survive” has greater impact compared to the previous headline, don’t you think?

Keep It Short

Another guideline for online copy headlines is brevity and conciseness. Headlines should follow the same rule. Typically, readers online scan what they read and so they’ll be able to understand a five-word-headline more quickly than a ten-word one.

For good copy headline, try to reduce the use of particles, prepositions, linking verbs, and other words that may dilute the message

Don’t Try Too Hard

Naturally, funny and witty headlines are better but trying too hard to be funny can backfire!  If there’s no way to make a headline funny or clever then make it simple. If you manage to get your message across then you’ve done your job.

Use Numbers

Numbers can be memorable and lend authority to the copy message. Instead of simply headlining a copy with “Tips for Gardening”, you can greatly enhance it by adding a digit. “6 Tips for Gardening” encourage people to read more because they know they have six (more than one’s many!) tips to look forward to in a single article.

Review and Refine

You may think you’ve made a perfect headline upon typing the last word, but give it a minute or two and you’ll be able to view it more objectively. Good luck on writing those headlines!

Find out more about great copy that sells at Stephen’s PowerCopy club:

Writing Freely – 6 Ways to Make your Copy Flow

Writing Freely: 6 Ways to Make Your Copy Fly

Writing copy can be like travelling on a journey. There are times when everything works perfectly and goes super smoothly, other times the journey gets delayed and you don’t make it, other times it can be a tedious process, and then there are times you can get lost and spend ages to find your way there. If this happens, it can be frustrating, particularly if you have a copy submission deadline to meet. So how do you make your copy flow freely?  Here are some tips you can use to help guide your writing…

Apply an outline

Before you begin a writing project or an article, write a short, simple outline about the topic. Use headlines, sub-headings and a list of topics under each one. This will work as a guide or or map to assist you on what to write. This is also a good reference if you wish to have an overview of how the article progresses and is unveiled to your reader.  This will help make your copy flow just when you need it most!

The outline will also help discipline your writing. Oftentimes we can get carried away by emotions, mood or inspiration. The result – you produce too much content that you don’t need and it risks making your copy less concise and appealing.  With an outline, you have a much better sense of ideas you want to keep and use and also those that do not belong.

Use a notebook to capture your ideas

Inspiration can come from anywhere. So be prepared! When it does, you want to ready to capture it – regardless of time or location.  It happens to artists, writers and musicians like Paul McCartney of the Beatles, when he was travelling. The music and lyrics to a song came to him but since he couldn’t write music and had no recording device with him, he experienced the trip with the music ringing in his mind. As he had a notebook he was able to trace down the key chords, melodies and lyrics.

Have you ever been inspired by a big or compelling idea only to find out that you have nothing to write it down with because you’re in the middle of doing something else away from your home or normal environment?

Make sure that when you’re blessed with an idea, you’re ready for it. Keep a small notepad with you or around your work area. When an idea comes, write it down immediately. Don’t wait. Memory can be slippery so don’t depend on it…. Write the idea down, record it, paint it, illustrate it – anything that will help remind you later. So when it’s time to write, you can make the copy flow and not have any problems producing your full idea and copy.

Allow topics to transition

To make copy flow when writing, allow topics to progress and flow from one topic to another.  If you have an outline, this is easier to apply as you already have a sense of which topic to write about in the next sentence or paragraph.

Don’t worry or overstress about grammar… yet

You cannot make your copy flow if you keep getting distracted by other tasks such as editing or proofreading. Forget about these things at first. Your job is to write, so do it until it is complete. Don’t worrying about correct grammar or spelling at this point. If you’re using a word processor, making the corrections will be easy later. Write as the thoughts come to you and don’t interrupt your flow…

Review what you’ve written

In many cases, when you’re stumped in the middle of an article, you could refresh your mind by going through what you have already written. This will help remind your brain of the key message you’re trying to get across. 

Just write

Typically I find the best way to make your copy flow is to keep writing. Worry about the final product later.  You can always go back and make revisions. For now, just write what you know, unleash your creativity and keep on writing!

Find out more about great copy at Stephen’s PowerCopy club:

3 Tactics for Affiliates Marketers to Thrive Online

As an affiliate you will always be looking for the markets that give the biggest paychecks. Some folks think it is a magic formula that is easily and readily available. Affiliate success is more complicated than that, though…!. It does involve applying proven marketing tactics to survive as online affiliate today.

Below are proven affiliate tactics that have worked in online affiliate marketing and continue to work for online affiliates today. These are used by well-known and more low-key affiliates who are successful. With these three affiliate tips, you will increase your sales and survive and thrive as an online affiliate marketer.

What are these three tactics?

  1. Use unique web pages to promote each separate product you are marketing. Do not lump all of them together to save some money on web hosting. It is better to have a site focusing on each and every product.
    • Include product reviews on the website so visitors will understand what the product can do them if they buy it.
    • Also include testimonials from happy customers who have already tried the product. Ideally get customers who are happy for you to use their names and photos on the relevant product site that you are marketing.
      You can also write articles highlighting the uses and benefits of the product and include them on the website as an additional page.
    • Make the pages compelling and include calls to action. Headlines should attract the readers to try, to read more, or sign up to your list.
    • Highlight your key benefits. This will help readers see what’s in it for them and be motivated to find out more and sign up.
  1. Offer free reports to your readers. If possible position them at the top of your page so it they wont be missed. Create autoresponder messages that will be mailed to those who give you their email into your sign-up box. Affiliate research shows that a sale is closed usually on the seventh contact with a prospect.
    • Two things typically happen on your web page: You get a closed sale or the prospect leaves the page and never return again. By sending useful emails into their inboxes regularly, you will have multiple opportunities to remind them of the product they had interest in and you will see the sale is closed later, after further follow-ups.
    • Focus on key benefits e.g. like how your product can make life easier and speed up their success.
    • Add compelling headers and subject lines in the email.  Try avoid using the word “free” as there exist old email spam filters that dumps those kind of contents into junk folders before anyone gets to see or open them.
    • Remind those who signed up for your free reports that they risk miss something e.g slowing down their progress – when they do not avail of your products and services.
  2. Get targeted traffic for your specific product. Remember, if the visitor has no interest in what you are offering, they will not sign up, they will move on and not buy your product.
    • Write articles for publication in relevant e-zines and e-reports to your product. This way you can locate publications that is focusing on your target customers and what you have put up might just grab their interest.

Write and publish 2-3 articles per week, with at least 350-650 words in length. By writing and publishing relevant articles regularly you can generate up to 100 targeted readers to your site in a day! Remember that only 1 out of 100 people are likely to buy your product or get your services. If you can generate as much as 1,000 targeted hits for your website in a day, that means on conservative figures, you can make 10 sales!

For more tips on how to succeed online as an affiliate go to our Affiliate Profits Club below:

5 Ways You can Make Copy Great – even as a Newbie

5 Ways to Make Compelling Copy for your Readers – without being an expert

Everything about an article or a review – its perceived value, efficacy and message – rests upon good copywriting.  Copy is substance and without it, even skilled and well-meaning writer and his article will be ignored, the article’s value be missed altogether. It is no surprise then why people go through great lengths in order to produce a good piece of copywriting…  Learn the ways you, too, can make copy good:

Know what you are writing about.

There is nothing worse than a writer who bluffs.  Some writers have well written, fictions that they pass off as genuine but they were able to do so only because they backed up their writing with plenty of research. 

If you were asked to write about criminology, for example, how much would you be able to write without using a single reference? Probably not enough to convince the average reader.

To avoid moving around blindly for your subject and to make your copy good, do plenty of research.  Use at least three good references for your write-up. If you think you need to interview someone knowledgeable for it, then do so. This will allow you to capture enough information to use for your article write-up.

Always think about your readers

Your readers have different perspectives. To make your copy interesting, consider carefully what it is they like and are interested in and then zoom in on those interests. Also speak their language, use plain and simple language, so they quickly understand and are comfortable with what you have to say. 

If you’re writing for teenagers aged 15-19, for example, you probably wouldn’t use the kind of language you write with if your audience were men and women in their 40s and 50s, right?  Remember that you’re trying to sell an idea through your writing, so speak to your readers in a way they can easily understand and relate to.

Watch your grammar

If you were a good listener during your grammar class, you might want to heave a sigh of relief. A high premium is placed on good grammar and if you want to make your copy interesting and flow, do ensure you avoid silly grammar and spelling mistakes. 

Be careful with subject-verb agreement, punctuation marks, tenses, sentence completion and clauses. Bad grammar is never viewed as good copy and is dismissed as amateurish and low quality, therefore unreliable, even if you are talking as an expert.

Find a good headline

The headline serves as the introductory statement to your article or review. It should engage their attention immediately. Without a good headline, there’s a strong chance your target readers might ignore your article and move on. This is something you don’t want to happen. Imagine losing the attention of 7 out of 10 potential readers just because your headline doesn’t work…!

Make sure your headline is effective, clear and concise. It should interest the reader, make them wonder, raise their curiosity, even intrigue them so that they have enough reasons to want to read more.

Make your copy easy to read

Finally, to make your copy good, it has to be relatable and easy to read. If you’re writing about planting roses for beginner gardeners, for example, don’t make it sound like an instructional material for producing fossil fuel. Read your work out loud – if it sounds like normal speech, then you’re on the right track.   Always mind your readers. They are, after all, the end users of your work and they should be able to like what you offer them.

Find out more about creating persuasive copy at Stephen’s PowerCopy club:

How to Generate Traffic – Using Only Free Methods!

Building a business from scratch requires a lot of things, .typically you need capital. To make money often requires money. But, the growth of the online world means there are many alternative ways you can generate traffic to grow your site and online business. Free traffic…?

Many businesses don’t have the resources that others have to generate traffic. But you don’t always have to spend money; what you need here is the right mindset and a lot of enthusiasm. You also need to have the drive and perseverance to do the work and research to generate more traffic for your site.

How sweet it is to get regular traffic, without spending a single cent..!  There are many sites with articles that offer tips on how to generate traffic using only free methods. It is possible to use free traffic, but it will take more time. Most often you will grow faster with paid traffic, but you have a good chance with some of these free methods I cover here.

Take advantage of online forums and communities. The great benefit about forums and online communities is that you can target a certain group that fits the target demographic you want. You can discuss relevant topics of interest on the niche that you represent.  Another advantage is that you know what you are getting into and you will be prepared.

With online communities and forums you can build your reputation. Show them the expertise you have and the value you can share about the topic. With that value you can build a reputation and build trust with the people in your expertise and credibility who will visit your site and refer you.

Also take advantage of newsletters. You can provide people with your offers wrapped in information of value for them e.g. interesting articles. If you make it interesting and entertaining, more people will sign up for your newsletter and recommend it to others. The more people who sign up for your newsletter, the more people and traffic you have on your list to can send offers and  visit your site.

Trading links with other sites is another way. You don’t have to spend a cent. All you do is reach an agreement with another webmaster. With exchanging links, the efforts both sites make will benefit both sites. All traffic that goes to their site could potentially click on the link of your site and visit your site as well. This works best when both sites address the same customer demographic or cross the same niche.

Write articles that get the attention of those your product is aimed for. Create articles with valuable tips to them. Providing good service and relevant advice will provide the free traffic fuel you want.

Many sites offer free submission and posting of your articles. When visitors like your article they can easily follow up by clicking through on your article link.  You just Include a url link to your sign up offer page beside your offer overview in the article. Then there’s a great chance that they will follow through to your desired offer page.

Create good content for your site. Many search engines track the keywords and keyword phrases your site uses and how they are used. Craft articles that get the attention of people that have interest in your product. Articles that provide valuable insights to your target audience. By provide good service and content, you will multiply followers who will refer you to others over time. Build content that is entertaining as well as informational. 

All of these methods and more will drive traffic to your site for free. It takes effort and consistent man hours to get good at it, and faster at applying these tactics. Learn all you can about the methods discussed here and you can build good traffic to your offer without the typical paid traffic costs.

Find out more at Stephen’s Traffic Generation club:

Why Paying for your Traffic is a Smart Move

There are many stories you will hear about folks building successful businesses and income online.  The problem is there are many very different online experiences. Many folks have unsuccessfully launched an internet based business, but only a small percent of folks actually succeed online.

Is this due to luck? Not really…!  In reality, it takes good business sense, and plenty of support and effort to fast track your learning. Most importantly, it is your persistence and determination to learn, to test what works, and the willingness to invest in hard work and some money that brings online business success.

The Basics

Traffic is “One” key ingredient to success. Without traffic, all your online efforts will lack sales. Every business needs customers, without them you wouldn’t have anyone to sell your products to. On the internet, online traffic is the “walk in” customer. The more relevant traffic you get the more prospects you will be able to sell your products to.

But like any offline or “bricks and mortar” business, not every visitor that goes in will buy, but the greater of number that do come to browse your offers, the greater number of people that will buy your products. It is a simple fact.

But, how do you get traffic? Or enough traffic that a small percentage of buyers makes you a good profit….?  Many big companies generates tens of thousands visitor traffic each day. Of that ten to fifteen percent will buy, but that small share is enough to provide them with good income.

Many businesses get online traffic from paying others. Yes that’s right..! Most often you need to spend money to make money. Advertising is the key…! The more people that get presented with your site links, the more people that will visit and buy from you..! Make sense?

While there are many ways that can get you advertising for free, free sources generate much less valid and targeted traffic volumes as paid traffic methods. These paid advertisements include for example advertising schemes by Google and Yahoo Search engines.

The Value of Online Search

Online search is the fastest medium in finding what a person needs in the internet. Search engines have been popular because they provide a vital service to many people. They are free and easy to use. With this popularity, search engines are the number one sites people go to, so they have millions of visitors and clicks. It is easy to understand why many companies pay to advertise on search engines.

Search engines provide millions of visitors with links to relevant sites that they are looking for. If your site link appears in the high ranks of the search results page, you are guaranteed that a lot of visitors will go to your site. While search engine optimization is a cheaper and low cost way to get your site a higher rank on search, it takes longer. Paid adverts will allow your site to rank in search engines more quickly.

When you pay for your adverts, it is like paying for your traffic. This may sound like not such a good idea, but the results tell a different story. When you pay for targeted traffic from a good source, you are guaranteed a consistent traffic flow to your site. Regular traffic means you are well positioned to make regular sales.

Paying for your Traffic

Pay per click is typical search advertising; it is when you are charged with the number of hits a link gets when your ads is clicked. For some search engines, you will be charged with the number of times your ad shows up when a certain keyword or keyword phrase is searched. You need to have good keyword content in your paid ads. There are many tools that help in using the right keyword for the right moment.

Regular paid traffic that is targeted allows you get a good flow in relevant visitors looking for your products which will provide you with a strong flow in sales. Paying for your traffic is a good idea as long as you test it and ensure it is targeted to your product. Then you will get all the benefits it has to offer.

Testing Your Paid Traffic

You should always test your paid traffic campaign with smaller volume pilot first to see how the traffic performs in terms of sign-ups and later sales – before buying in larger volumes.

Find out more at Stephen’s Traffic Generation club:

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