Stephen OMeara

Using Google Adwords to Grow Laser Targeted Traffic

The most important component in generating wealth in online businesses or e-commerce is Traffic. Everybody knows it; every site wants it and every site needs it. Advanced design, money and countless hours of content and development to make sites attractive are useless without traffic.

With traffic comes a potential customer which basically means sales which in turn means profit. Many sites have failed in the past with the downturn of specific online businesses, many smaller sites continue to generate good money by concentrating on a certain niches.

This is a reason why smart online business and sites “laser target” certain groups of people and attract them to visit their sites, content and services. Precision marketing allows you to count on targeted traffic on your site as potential customers.

Using Money to Make Money

One good business investment is targeted advertising. Targeted advertising brings in the right people because through advertising, they know that there is the product they want to buy. With the right type of advertising, you can see the spurt of traffic growth to your site. With a high volume of targeted traffic, even if only a small percentage turns out to be buying customers it is still a good outcome to generate online income.

Right now, there is no other advertising scheme that dominates like Google’s Adwords. The surge in popularity of Google’s Adwords is evident as you can see so many sites sporting this advertising scheme.

In using Google’s Adwords, you pay a certain fee depending on the number of keywords your ad is keyword sensitive to. Each time a person does a search in Google, the keyword use generate ads on the side of Google which are generated by the keywords they have assigned for their ads.

This method laser targets the traffic a site wants for their site. This also ensures that you are readily visible in the first page of a search result. Paying Google for this ad scheme ensures that your target group of people sees your ads. You drive your laser targeted traffic to your site which provides relevant offers for their needs.

Aside from Google, you can also be featured on other search networks, these includes sites like Bing and Yahoo. There are also content networks, non-search engine sites that feature Google Adwords, which will also carry your ads. But this is subjected to the niche the site features. Your chosen keywords will determine which content network shall feature your ad. The frequency of your ad shall also be determined by your allowed budget.

Laser Targeting your Traffic

To get a good number or estimate of the traffic to buying customer ratio it is good to laser target your traffic. Knowing that your traffic are all potential customers and are interested in your products and company provides you with more accurate statistics. This will show you how effective your utilizing of Google Adwords is.

Challenges to Applying Google Ad Words

There are many challenges to learning Google Ads and creating a successful campaign. Some of the more common problems are failure to determine your audience and keywords correctly, difficulty describing what makes your business unique, missing information, and a website that doesn’t work well on mobile devices.

Drive laser targeted traffic to your site by using keywords or keyword phrases for your Google Adwords that relates to your products. There are many online internet tools that can help you in choosing keywords and keyword phrases that are currently in demand that could help drive laser targeted traffic to your site.

Make sure that your Google Adwords ad has the right keywords so that you can drive your laser targeted traffic to your site.  Using Google Adwords to help boost the drive to increase laser targeted traffic can be beneficial as many companies will testify to. It may be worth undertaking Google Ad Words courses. There are free ones provided online that will help you understand how to optimise your Google Ad Words.

Find out more about generating targeted traffic at Stephen’s Traffic Generation club:

5 ways to Generate Low Cost Traffic & Monetise!

There is one rule in generating income for your website: A steady flow of targeted traffic. If no one visits your site, it has no chance of generating income. Many sites have tried and failed in doing so.  It takes money to maintain an income generating site, it seems; it also takes money to make money….

But, it doesn’t take a whole pile of cash to generate website traffic for your site…!

Ever wonder how does big sites drive visitor traffic to their site? Most of them are spending a lot of money to drive targeted traffic, investing in online advertising and different online marketing channels. This can be worthwhile when as a result, they are high earning high ranking websites.

You don’t have to do this if you don’t really have the resources. There are many ways to generate low-cost website traffic without a lot of cost. Also many businesses banked on high-cost traffic methods and do not generate required results, losing them money…!

We cover 5 ways to generate low-cost website traffic that can help your site grow. Even if you only get a small percentage of targeted visitors to buy, it still works when you get a high volume of online traffic.

Exchange Links

This is a well proven method. Nearly all sites employ links to other sites. Webmasters are willing to exchange links with one another so that they could produce greater site visibility and awareness. You’ll see the boost of traffic coming to your site from well selected other site links.

A key prerequisite in successful link exchanges with other sites is having the same niche or content as the other site. They should share a common subject so that there is continuity in the providing of service and information to what interests your target traffic.

Exchanging links also boosts your chances of getting a high ranking from search engine results. It is well known that search engines ranks high sites that have inbound and outbound theme-related links. With a good ranking position in the search engines, you will generate more traffic in your website without high costs.

Traffic Exchange

This is like exchanging links but on a different level. This may cost more than exchanging or trading links but can be cheaper because you get to earn credits. You can use those credits when viewing others traffic, while you earn credits when someone views yours.

Traffic exchange services are the viewing of another’s site or page. This is done vice versa where a site can use your sites contents and so can you to his or her site. You both benefit from each other’s efforts to generate traffic. The other site visitors can go to your pages and learn about your site. Once again the visibility and awareness of your site is boosted.

Write and Submit Articles

There are many e-zines and online directories; these provide free space for articles to be submitted. If you want to save costs, you can write articles yourself. There are many freelance writers who will write for a small fee;

Write articles that are themed along with the niche of your site. Write something that you know about so that when they read it, they can sense your knowledge and interests about the topic and be encouraged to visit your site. Write articles that produce tips and guidelines to topics for your niche.

Include a resource box at the end of your article that can bring them to your site. Write a small overview about your site. Provide light, information-laden, interesting articles, they will go to your site for more.

Make a Newsletter.

This may sound like a lot of work because of all the articles you need to build a newsletter but this does not have to be so. There are many sites that are willing to provide free articles as long as they can get their name in your newsletter. This provides free advertising for them. 

As your newsletter circulates, it boosts your online visibility and reach; it works well to build an opt-in list that you can engage to visit your site.

Join Online Communities and Forums

This only requires your time. You can share your knowledge and expertise with online communities as well as on your website. You can get free advertising when you go to forums that have the same subject or niche with your site.

Share your expertise and let them see how knowledgeable you are for relevant topics. As you build your reputation, you also build the reputation of your site, making it a reputable one that can be frequented and trusted by many users of online community and forums.

How To Monetize Your Traffic So You Get The Most Out Of It

Establishing your own online website is more competitive today. Lots of competitors are keen to get a bigger share of online visitor attention. Every scheme and method you can find to augment your sales will be important. Making additional relevant offers to your list is one way.

Without traffic we have no business. Without any customers you don’t get sales. Traffic represents all the visitors that gets to see what you have to offer. The more people who see your products the more people who can buy them.

Nobody builds an internet marketing or E-commerce site that doesn’t want profit. We have a startup capital that needs to be recovered. With consistent targeted traffic, we have a platform to generate sales and be profitable. Monetizing your traffic would optimize your chances of making the best out of it.

Making Money out of your Traffic

The best and most proven method of making a profit out of your traffic is using advertising. The internet generates hundreds of thousands and millions of visitor traffic everyday. Most of them are searching. While some are just looking for information online there is also a good percentage of online search traffic that is looking for some services or products that they want and are willing to buy.

Generating traffic is not an easy task. You have to contend with a great number of sites to generate a good traffic flow. But if done successfully it opens up many possibilities. One of the benefits is monetizing your traffic flow.

So, to get to the core of it the more traffic you generate the more business you can make; a good traffic flowing site is easily convertible to profit. Basically traffic equals profit. Advertising is the name of the game; with the good advertising scheme you can use your traffic flow to your advantage.

When you have good traffic you have a good number of prospects, potential customers that are willing to spend money on your offers. These are also traffic sources that can be redirected to sponsored links who are willing to pay you for a portion of the traffic you have generated.

This scheme is called “pay-per-click”. With every click a visitor of your site makes on an advertised link you will be paid. The more traffic you generate and the more clicks that happens would spell to more profits.

Affiliate Programs

Another method of monetizing your traffic are affiliate programs. You can link up with other tried and tested sites and online companies and monetize your traffic by having a percentage of sales generated by traffic coming from your site.

The basic idea is, traffic generated from your site will go to another site that can offer a product that you do not carry. Many programs can keep track and make records of transactions that was made possible because of site linkage.

When purchases are made by customers found by your site or your links to their site you get a percentage of that sale. Affiliate programs would give you the benefit of monetizing your traffic without the actual need of carrying, or promoting those products.

List Building

There are so many ways and methods to monetize your traffic. All it takes is a bit of work and the desire to successfully deliver offers to your traffic.  The best way to monetize your traffic is to build a list and then have the chance to make multiple offers to the traffic that opts into your list.

Find out more about generating targeted traffic at Stephen’s Traffic Generation club:

Viral Marketing – Use It and Skyrocket Your Business!


This is one tactic your online business should harness to compete in the race to get the eyeballs of your target audience.  With so many sites competing for people’s attention, free creative marketing methods like this should be employed and optimised.

It doesn’t matter if you have a killer product or a super designed website, if people don’t know that you exist online, it doesn’t matter, you are not going to grow. Worst of all, you might fail to sustain your online business…

While there are so many methods and schemes used by so many online sites today, there are still some of those that can help you with an extra boost in the popularity ratings. One of these is the so called Viral Marketing.

Viral Marketing Overview

Viral Marketing or Advertising is a marketing technique used to build the public awareness of one’s site. You can use many forms of media to reach out to the public without actually promoting the product. You leverage in on other forms of addictive online entertainment (video, Meme, tik-tok, etc) that attracts the recipient to watch and be amused to actually pass it on to his or her network or close friends, with the product advert along with it.

In a nutshell, companies ride on the idea that if people like the content of a media they will pass it on to their friends and family. They sponsor certain media, such as a cool flash game, funny video, amusing story, which viewers often pass on to others with the company brand or logo or content embedded to help promote the company.

Viral marketing has become a popular means of marketing because it is relatively low cost and is highly effective in getting wide reach quickly. To avoid being tagged as spam mail, viral marketing counts on the willingness of one person to pass on the content to friends. If a person sees the name of the trusted sender, they won’t block it and they open it as well.

Many companies offer incentives such as discounts and rebates when they help in spreading their viral marketing. They rely on the number of recipients a viral marketing gets from one person in determining the volume of incentives they can be attributed with.

Using Viral Marketing to your advantage

The main and foremost advantage of viral marketing is that you get a lot of publicity and public awareness about your site and your company. You get to generate a flow of traffic that are potential customers. With a little ingenuity and imagination, plus some incentives or prizes, you can reach out to a great number of people and announce your existence.

Most every site and companies are catching on to the effectivity of Viral Marketing and Advertising. Not using it could kill your business. Along with other schemes and methods in promoting your site, like Search Engine Optimization and such, viral marketing could easily push you ahead in the rating games.

Viral Marketing can be a sneaky and effective way to get people to know about you and your company. You get them to pass your advert along. As it is also low cost it is worth investing in, if it does not conflict with your product. All it takes is a great idea, an addictive or funny piece of content or story, many ideas are still out there. Create a gossip or a buzz, many movies are promoted by using scandals and gossips to make them moiré popular. Remember the movie “The Blair Witch Project”?

Perhaps see if viral marketing could work well for promoting your online business?  Act now and reap the benefits Viral Marketing will provide for you and your sales figures. 

Find out more about generating targeted traffic at Stephen’s Traffic Generation club:

How Tell A Friend Script Can Explode Your Traffic!

More webmasters face the recurring question of how to grow the flow of traffic on their websites. In the past years many methods that been developed to address this matter. Some of them still work but there are those that would not make even a small impact.

One of the methods that have spawned many success stories in driving traffic into websites is viral marketing. Viral marketing leverages the tendency of people to share something with friends they find informative, entertaining or amazing.

Many companies leverage this mechanism to spread awareness of their products and increase the popularity of their online site. Viral marketing makes use of many online mediums, specifically social media in activating and mobilising this behaviour. It might be in the form of an interesting story, an addictive game, an amusing video, meme and other distractions that catch a person’s attention.

This ingenious form of marketing is typically low cost and is a wonderful tool for any company to utilize. The benefit greatly overshadows the cost or efforts to initialize this marketing scheme. Any website would greatly benefit that viral marketing.

Tell A Friend Script

One of the easiest methods in viral marketing is using a tell a friend script. This is a simple programming script that you can attach to the programming of your website. Generally, tell a friends script are installed in pages where a media is placed so that a person can easily send the media to any of his friends or his family members.

The basic concept of  a tell a friend script is a script wherein a person may input his name, e-mail address, the recipient’s e-mail address and send the media to the intended recipient much like an e-mail with an attachment. The recipient receiving the e-mail does not think of the mail as a spam as he sees the sender’s name as someone he or she knows and trusts.

Tell a friend script greatly reduces the chances of being blocked because they use the profile information from the sender. This allows for fast sharing by this marketing method. It can be quite sneaky but it is very effective…!

With the e-mail sent and opened the sent media will either be read, viewed or played. Also along with the mail would be a brief description of the site that sponsors the media sent. This allows for the introduction of either the site, company or its products. The next line could be another tell a friend script.

Then the process begins again. As more people use the tell a friend script, more and more people will know of the sponsoring site. People who read the ads inside the mail who liked what they see may click on the link and visit the site. This drives traffic into the site resulting to great number of potential customers.

Tell A Friend Script Availability

A tell a friend script is simple and does not require a lot of complex programming. In fact, you can copy paste a script and simply put it on an intended page. Finding one is even simpler. All you have to do is go to a search engine and type in the search box “tell a friend script” then press enter or click go.

In the search results page you will see many links that will direct you to a site where you can get a tell a friend script. It would just be a simple matter of looking and searching for the script and copying it to your intended web page.

With a tell a friend script viral marketing strategy you can drive traffic into your site which could potentially exponentially boost your sales. This is a simple harmless script that offers great benefits for low cost paired with great creativity and foresight.

It is important that you have patience in using a tell a friend script. If your chosen media doesn’t get the mileage that is expected of it, it may take time before it spreads by sharing. But done correctly, many people will see your ads and there is great chance that they will visit your site increasing your traffic flow.

Find out more about generating targeted traffic at Stephen’s Traffic Generation club:

7 Proven Ways To Boost Your Traffic Starting Today..!

Internet. Business. Profit…! To fully integrate all of these words into a success reality, you will need another word. Traffic!

Every article you will find about making your site or company successful online will always address the need to generate traffic…

Traffic is one of the most essential elements to creating and maintaining a successful online business. Aside from ensuring that you have a great product to sell and having your business basics in place, generating traffic is the nitty-gritty that will make all the difference between success and failure.

If you already have an online presence and you’re not getting the traffic that you want, then its time to reconsider. If you are operating in very competitive online business niche, you need to be a step ahead of your competition, generating your targeted traffic should be a priority! ….Starting already – yesterday!

Generating traffic should always be a priority for your business. Don’t wait for tomorrow as a starting point for making your site traffic laden, it should always be today and everyday. To help you out in generating more traffic for your site, here are some seven guaranteed ways to increase your traffic starting from yesterday.

1) Invest in good advertising with search engines

Google’s Adwords and Yahoo’s Overture provide great advertising schemes that are very popular and guarantees a lot of traffic. This method of generating your traffic will cost some money. While some hesitate from spending money to increase traffic, this case makes sense as Adwords and Overture are top way to increase traffic that is targeted to your niche by the right keywords.

Done well, search engine advertising methods provide fast and targeted traffic to your site Lots of online businesses and sites leverage these advertising systems and many have signed on to reap the benefits. Every penny is worth it with using Google and Yahoo’s advertising.

2) Exchange or Trade Links with other sites

With exchanging links with other sites, both of you will benefit from the efforts both of you do to enhance your sites traffic. When one site features another sites link, they could provide one another with the traffic one site generates. The efforts are doubly beneficial because it would seem like both of you are working to generate more traffic. The more links traded with more sites the more traffic could be expected. This link exchange assumes that the sites both address the same audiences and niches, with complementary services.

3) Use Viral Marketing

Viral marketing allows you to spread the word about your company and product without any costs or low costs only. This is a marketing method that can be quite sneaky; you can attach your company’s name, product or link to a certain media such as a funny video, entertaining game, an interesting article or a gossip or buzz. With this method, people get engaged with the creativity and entertainment of the medium so that they will pass it on to many people.

4) Search and use proper keywords or keyword phrases for your sites content

Search engines look for certain keywords that they would show in their results page. In doing so, having the right keyword and keyword phrase is a high requirement in ranking high in search engine results. You can write your own content or hire someone to do it for you. This approach reaps cumulative benefits over time and is well worth it – but it takes time to see change in search engine rankings…

5) Write Articles that bring traffic to your site

Create and submit articles to sites that deal with the same niche topics that your site deals in. If you sell car parts write press releases and articles about cars and car parts. Attach your site and services overview at the end of the article as well as your link.

6) Join forums and create online communities

Capture a market and show your expertise and credibility with interested viewers. When you create a clear foundation for your site and delivery value, people will trust you and your site and they will refer to others in their network. Traffic will grow and compound over time as people see that you deliver relevant value time after time – you provide what they need.

7) Offer newsletters.

When people know what you are serving and your online presence existence is shared with many others, you will secure loyal traffic that will provide you with additional traffic by recommendation. A newsletter provides that recutting opportunity for referrals. Provide a share tip to your subscribers to share it with others. When you arouse the curiosity of your subscribers they will often be happy to help you grow your list and traffic through their referrals.

Find out more about great copy that sells at Stephen’s PowerCopy club:

How to Generate Traffic – Using Only Free Methods!

Building a business from scratch requires a lot of things, .typically you need capital. To make money often requires money. But, the growth of the online world means there are many alternative ways you can generate traffic to grow your site and online business. Free traffic…?

Many businesses don’t have the resources that others have to generate traffic. But you don’t always have to spend money; what you need here is the right mindset and a lot of enthusiasm. You also need to have the drive and perseverance to do the work and research to generate more traffic for your site.

How sweet it is to get regular traffic, without spending a single cent..!  There are many sites with articles that offer tips on how to generate traffic using only free methods. It is possible to use free traffic, but it will take more time. Most often you will grow faster with paid traffic, but you have a good chance with some of these free methods I cover here.

Take advantage of online forums and communities. The great benefit about forums and online communities is that you can target a certain group that fits the target demographic you want. You can discuss relevant topics of interest on the niche that you represent.  Another advantage is that you know what you are getting into and you will be prepared.

With online communities and forums you can build your reputation. Show them the expertise you have and the value you can share about the topic. With that value you can build a reputation and build trust with the people in your expertise and credibility who will visit your site and refer you.

Also take advantage of newsletters. You can provide people with your offers wrapped in information of value for them e.g. interesting articles. If you make it interesting and entertaining, more people will sign up for your newsletter and recommend it to others. The more people who sign up for your newsletter, the more people and traffic you have on your list to can send offers and  visit your site.

Trading links with other sites is another way. You don’t have to spend a cent. All you do is reach an agreement with another webmaster. With exchanging links, the efforts both sites make will benefit both sites. All traffic that goes to their site could potentially click on the link of your site and visit your site as well. This works best when both sites address the same customer demographic or cross the same niche.

Write articles that get the attention of those your product is aimed for. Create articles with valuable tips to them. Providing good service and relevant advice will provide the free traffic fuel you want.

Many sites offer free submission and posting of your articles. When visitors like your article they can easily follow up by clicking through on your article link.  You just Include a url link to your sign up offer page beside your offer overview in the article. Then there’s a great chance that they will follow through to your desired offer page.

Create good content for your site. Many search engines track the keywords and keyword phrases your site uses and how they are used. Craft articles that get the attention of people that have interest in your product. Articles that provide valuable insights to your target audience. By provide good service and content, you will multiply followers who will refer you to others over time. Build content that is entertaining as well as informational. 

All of these methods and more will drive traffic to your site for free. It takes effort and consistent man hours to get good at it, and faster at applying these tactics. Learn all you can about the methods discussed here and you can build good traffic to your offer without the typical paid traffic costs.

Find out more at Stephen’s Traffic Generation club:

Why Paying for your Traffic is a Smart Move

There are many stories you will hear about folks building successful businesses and income online.  The problem is there are many very different online experiences. Many folks have unsuccessfully launched an internet based business, but only a small percent of folks actually succeed online.

Is this due to luck? Not really…!  In reality, it takes good business sense, and plenty of support and effort to fast track your learning. Most importantly, it is your persistence and determination to learn, to test what works, and the willingness to invest in hard work and some money that brings online business success.

The Basics

Traffic is “One” key ingredient to success. Without traffic, all your online efforts will lack sales. Every business needs customers, without them you wouldn’t have anyone to sell your products to. On the internet, online traffic is the “walk in” customer. The more relevant traffic you get the more prospects you will be able to sell your products to.

But like any offline or “bricks and mortar” business, not every visitor that goes in will buy, but the greater of number that do come to browse your offers, the greater number of people that will buy your products. It is a simple fact.

But, how do you get traffic? Or enough traffic that a small percentage of buyers makes you a good profit….?  Many big companies generates tens of thousands visitor traffic each day. Of that ten to fifteen percent will buy, but that small share is enough to provide them with good income.

Many businesses get online traffic from paying others. Yes that’s right..! Most often you need to spend money to make money. Advertising is the key…! The more people that get presented with your site links, the more people that will visit and buy from you..! Make sense?

While there are many ways that can get you advertising for free, free sources generate much less valid and targeted traffic volumes as paid traffic methods. These paid advertisements include for example advertising schemes by Google and Yahoo Search engines.

The Value of Online Search

Online search is the fastest medium in finding what a person needs in the internet. Search engines have been popular because they provide a vital service to many people. They are free and easy to use. With this popularity, search engines are the number one sites people go to, so they have millions of visitors and clicks. It is easy to understand why many companies pay to advertise on search engines.

Search engines provide millions of visitors with links to relevant sites that they are looking for. If your site link appears in the high ranks of the search results page, you are guaranteed that a lot of visitors will go to your site. While search engine optimization is a cheaper and low cost way to get your site a higher rank on search, it takes longer. Paid adverts will allow your site to rank in search engines more quickly.

When you pay for your adverts, it is like paying for your traffic. This may sound like not such a good idea, but the results tell a different story. When you pay for targeted traffic from a good source, you are guaranteed a consistent traffic flow to your site. Regular traffic means you are well positioned to make regular sales.

Paying for your Traffic

Pay per click is typical search advertising; it is when you are charged with the number of hits a link gets when your ads is clicked. For some search engines, you will be charged with the number of times your ad shows up when a certain keyword or keyword phrase is searched. You need to have good keyword content in your paid ads. There are many tools that help in using the right keyword for the right moment.

Regular paid traffic that is targeted allows you get a good flow in relevant visitors looking for your products which will provide you with a strong flow in sales. Paying for your traffic is a good idea as long as you test it and ensure it is targeted to your product. Then you will get all the benefits it has to offer.

Testing Your Paid Traffic

You should always test your paid traffic campaign with smaller volume pilot first to see how the traffic performs in terms of sign-ups and later sales – before buying in larger volumes.

Find out more at Stephen’s Traffic Generation club:

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