Stephen OMeara

Creating Great Income with Blogging

There is a lot of interest and noise today around writing a blog for a living.  In truth, it is harder to make money this way than many would have believe.  But, if approached properly, blogging can become profitable.  Let’s review some practical steps you can take to create an online blog that will make money.

Firstly, a personal blog is not likely to work.  Some people believe they can blog about their daily lives and make money.  But as an ordinary person, your life isn’t that interesting.  If you want to pull traffic, you are going to need to offer a topic or topics that interest people directly, and in many cases answer the burning questions that people have.  For instance, an Internet Marketing blog might have all general IM posts, or may be divided into sections for PPC posts, article marketing posts, affiliate marketing posts, and product creation posts.  Such a blog offers topics that many people are interested in, many subniches of that topic that people want more info about, and posts can give great advice, or share experience that can help others.

After building a niche based blog, you can add Google Adsense around it.  Try to keep your Adsense in places that receive the most focus – the top of your blog (specifically top left if you can), between paragraphs in the text, or at the bottom right after the text ends, for people who are looking for more information after reading your post.  These locations seem to do well.  However, making money with an Adsense-only blog can be hard.  There is one other thing you should do to make your blog more profitable – affiliate offers.

Once you have established yourself and built some rapport with your readers, you want to begin sprinkling affiliate products into your posts.  Don’t overdo this or you will upset your readership!  However, in a post describing a particular problem, you may post a link to a product that solves that problem.  That link would be your affiliate link, and any sales resulting from your blog post’s link would pay commissions to you.  You might place one or two text affiliate links to useful relevant products in the sidebar of your blog.  Be sure you don’t make it hard to search your blog for all the ads and affiliate links!  You want your users to feel that you are blogging for them as priority, and your affiliate links are only helpful addition you are including.

By establishing yourself in a niche, offering useful content and tips to your readers, and sprinkling your blog with well-positioned ads and affiliate links, you will start to see an income coming from your blog.  Now continue to tweak and test what works well and what can be improved so that you can continue to make your blog more profitable, while becoming more and more appealing to your target audience.

Good luck blogging!

For online tips see Stephen’s Power Marketing:   

Category: Power Marketing

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