Stephen OMeara

Writing Freely – 6 Ways to Make your Copy Flow

Writing Freely: 6 Ways to Make Your Copy Fly

Writing copy can be like travelling on a journey. There are times when everything works perfectly and goes super smoothly, other times the journey gets delayed and you don’t make it, other times it can be a tedious process, and then there are times you can get lost and spend ages to find your way there. If this happens, it can be frustrating, particularly if you have a copy submission deadline to meet. So how do you make your copy flow freely?  Here are some tips you can use to help guide your writing…

Apply an outline

Before you begin a writing project or an article, write a short, simple outline about the topic. Use headlines, sub-headings and a list of topics under each one. This will work as a guide or or map to assist you on what to write. This is also a good reference if you wish to have an overview of how the article progresses and is unveiled to your reader.  This will help make your copy flow just when you need it most!

The outline will also help discipline your writing. Oftentimes we can get carried away by emotions, mood or inspiration. The result – you produce too much content that you don’t need and it risks making your copy less concise and appealing.  With an outline, you have a much better sense of ideas you want to keep and use and also those that do not belong.

Use a notebook to capture your ideas

Inspiration can come from anywhere. So be prepared! When it does, you want to ready to capture it – regardless of time or location.  It happens to artists, writers and musicians like Paul McCartney of the Beatles, when he was travelling. The music and lyrics to a song came to him but since he couldn’t write music and had no recording device with him, he experienced the trip with the music ringing in his mind. As he had a notebook he was able to trace down the key chords, melodies and lyrics.

Have you ever been inspired by a big or compelling idea only to find out that you have nothing to write it down with because you’re in the middle of doing something else away from your home or normal environment?

Make sure that when you’re blessed with an idea, you’re ready for it. Keep a small notepad with you or around your work area. When an idea comes, write it down immediately. Don’t wait. Memory can be slippery so don’t depend on it…. Write the idea down, record it, paint it, illustrate it – anything that will help remind you later. So when it’s time to write, you can make the copy flow and not have any problems producing your full idea and copy.

Allow topics to transition

To make copy flow when writing, allow topics to progress and flow from one topic to another.  If you have an outline, this is easier to apply as you already have a sense of which topic to write about in the next sentence or paragraph.

Don’t worry or overstress about grammar… yet

You cannot make your copy flow if you keep getting distracted by other tasks such as editing or proofreading. Forget about these things at first. Your job is to write, so do it until it is complete. Don’t worrying about correct grammar or spelling at this point. If you’re using a word processor, making the corrections will be easy later. Write as the thoughts come to you and don’t interrupt your flow…

Review what you’ve written

In many cases, when you’re stumped in the middle of an article, you could refresh your mind by going through what you have already written. This will help remind your brain of the key message you’re trying to get across. 

Just write

Typically I find the best way to make your copy flow is to keep writing. Worry about the final product later.  You can always go back and make revisions. For now, just write what you know, unleash your creativity and keep on writing!

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